If the worst language in a movie is shut up then that's VERY mild.Įmotionally intensity: 1 out 5. Language: The 1 out 5 is accurate: No profanity.
Sex/sexuality: Just the one kissing scene which is brief.

A lack of quality story and an overemphasis on battle scenes caused this movie to be a disappointment. While middle schoolers and above should be able to cope with Prince Caspian,it is not for elementary school children. While there isn't any gore or anything graphic,a number of loud and long scenes of violence with swords are included in this movie and it's overall tone is pretty violent. Parents should aware that there is very high level of violence in this film and it probably should have been PG-13. Then there's the tension between Peter and Caspian,which is totally out of line as there is NONE of it in the book. While the visual work on this movie is good,and I enjoyed "The call" enough to purchase an MP3 version of the song,overall this movie disappointed me. I also could have done without the suggested romances in the movie,however brief they might have been. The book offers MUCH more depth of story,espeically with more development regard to the children figuring out they have returned to Cair Paravel hundreds of years later and the history of Caspian. The battle scenes don't dominate the book in the same way the do in the movie. Action and battle seem to take over at expense of story in large parts of this movie. But too much of this movie seems to consist of incoherent battle scenes. It gets off to an okay start and has a decent ending. This movie is lacking the quality of story the other Narnia movies provide. This movie has neither the wonder of Narnia found in LLW nor the adventure of VOTDT. Prince Caspian is nowhere near as good as the Lion,the Witch,and The Wardrobe or the Voyage of the Dawn Treader.